The completion certificate: What are they?

completion certificate

The completion certificate: What are they?

completion certificate

A completion certificate is a document issued following an inspection of a real estate project that states that it was built in accordance with the approved building plan and meets all of the necessary standards set by the local development authority or municipal corporation. This certificate is essential for both developers and owners of standalone properties. It is necessary to ensure the supply of utilities such as water, electricity, and drainage.

Importance of a completion certificate for developers

Building information contained on an occupancy certificate includes the height, developer, and land identification number of a building. It also specifies whether the project was built in accordance with the building plans and the rules and regulations established by the local municipal authority, such as the distance from the road and the distance maintained between neighbouring buildings, among other things. A completion certificate is essential in many states for the developer to obtain water and electricity connections to the property.

Details provided in Completion Certificate

Among the many details provided in a completion certificate are:

  • Details of the land.
  • Every detail about the building plan.
  • All details about the builder.
  • Approved height of the building.
  • The location of the project and its distance from other buildings in the nearby area.

In essence, a CC assures the relevant authorities that a property meets all of their requirements and adheres to the building plan appoint before construction began. In addition, it provides homebuyers with assurance that water and electricity will be readily available.

Apartment and building developers who are still working on their projects can obtain provisional certificates. After six months, the developer must apply for the final certificate once construction is complete.

Provisional completion certificate

A provisional completion certificate given to the developer when the majority of the work on the project has been complete and offering possession to buyers becomes critical. This document is typically only valid for a limited time, after which the builder must complete the outstanding work and apply for the CC.

ALSO READ: Commencement certificate: what are they?

Importance of a completion certificate for home buyers

It is not a good idea to take possession of a new property that lacks a final CC. Buildings or projects without a valid permitting are subject to penalties or even evicted from a property. If the developer has not yet received the completion certificate, a buyer can approach the local municipal authorities individually or form a residents’ welfare association (RWA) to ensure that the process is finish before they take possession of their properties.

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